The view from Kanbojiyama towards Ishizuchi, Shikoku's tallest

Mt Kamegamori (瓶ヶ森, 1897m) sits on the border of Tokushima and Kochi Prefectures and spectacularly overlooks the famous (and tallest on Shikoku) Mt Ishizuchi. It is short and fairly easy 2-3km hike but has reasonably steep sections towards the top and comes off the nearby UFO Line (a beautiful but very narrow drive above 1700m).

At the top you’ll find a small shrine and spectacular view towards Mt Ishizuchi on a sunny day. This is a hike I did with visiting family but never posted about at the time. I’d love to go back in winter some day!

Trail Information

Hike length: 2 hours return, 2.9km and +- elevation of 500m
Season: Summer
Trail-head: Kamegamori Trail Head Parking 瓶ヶ森登山口駐車場
Difficulty: Fitness (Grade 2: Moderate) Technical (Grade 1: Easy) 
Suggested meeting point: Konoka Onsen 木の香温泉 is a good spot to start and finish but it’s still quite a drive to the trailhead from here.

Download and print the trail map

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App or map? While many rely on navigation apps these days I strongly recommend printing a copy of your hike maps using one of the free topographic map services.

Photos of Mt Kamegamori

Safety Notes

  • While this is a short hike – taking around 2 hours to complete from the car park and looping back around – be prepared. It can snow outside of winter in these high mountain areas and the drive up the UFO Line WILL take longer than google maps tells you. I recommend an early start and taking a small Kei car or staying at the nearby mountain Shirasa Sansou mountain hut (paid).
  • The area is isolated so make sure you’re carrying everything you need including a first aid kit and water and travel early.

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