A sunset on the south coast of Kochi, JapanA sunset on the south coast of Kochi, Japan

Where can I surf in Kochi, Japan?

The south-west area of Kochi Prefecture around Shimanto City and Cape Ashizuri is a great location if you’re looking to do some surfing or take a lesson. Ukibuchi Beach (浮鞭ビーチ), Hirano Beach ( 平野サーフビーチ) and Ohki Beach (大岐) are all located conveniently nearby.

Irino Beach is a great place for beginners with mellow waves and the Hata Surf Dojo nearby.

We visited Kuroshio town near Shimanto City in late October with a group of Kochi English teachers. We spent the weekend at the Irinomatsubara Camping Ground (土佐西南大規模公園入野松原キャンプ場). While the air temperature is starts to get a little colder around then the water was warm and the weather was spectacular. It’s a great place to catch an amazing sunrise over the sea and sunset over the mountains

Image supplied by Piper O’Dowd

The nearby Hata Surf Dojo can provide all the stuff you need to get surfing. Board hire, wet-suit hire and surf lessons. They also provide accommodation options which you can see on their website.

Hata Surf Dojo in Kochi

Hata Surf Dojo run lessons from May through to November. The course for beginners: ¥6,000 for two hours per person.
Bruce Dillon (in English and Japanese)
Tel: 0880-43-3309 Mobile:090-1576-4489
Website: http://www.hatasurfdojo.com
Email: info@hatasurfdojo.com

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