There are limited views but you can feel the remoteness here

An 8km return day hike along a section of the old Tosa Highway (Tosa Kaido 土佐街道) that passes a point where the three prefectures of Kochi, Ehime and Tokushima meet. The road was used during the Yamato and Meiji Eras. You can also access this hike via Sasagamine 笹ヶ峰. The hike reaches 1105 m so snow is likely in winter.

Course Information

Hike time: 3-4hrs
Season: Late winter
Difficulty: Beginner (1/5 difficulty) – Requires basic fitness otherwise you might struggle. Despite being a small mountain relatively speaking this area is quite isolated with no civilisation nearby. Mobile phone access is limited.


Trailhead: Located here in Tajikawa, Otoyo, Kochi prefecture Access by car only.
Meeting Point: Otoyo Convenience Store

Download and print the trail map

App or map? While many rely on navigation apps these days I strongly recommend printing a copy of your hike maps using one of the free topographic map services.

Post Hike Report

Our group of 6 left the Otoyo convenience store at about 9.05am and headed towards Tajikawa. You’ll pass the very old and historical Tachikawa Bansho and I recommend stopping before or after your hike as they serve pizza on alternating weekends.

Ascent: We reached the starting point of the hike at 9.30a.m which was half an hour behind schedule. The first section of the hike travels along the old Tosa Kaido. It’s quite beautiful but gets a little steep and slippery in some short sections towards point #2. We decided not to return this way on the way back as we didn’t want any injuries and instead used the road.

We continued along the Tosa Kaido towards the border of Kochi and Ehime. You’ll see a large timber pole on the track marking the prefectural border and the “last resting spot” on the old Tosa Road before Shikokuchuo. Sasagamine (笹ヶ峰) is to the west. From here we headed east to point #3 following the ridge and a less clearly defined trail. There are a few steep sections that may prove difficult in muddy conditions but otherwise it was a fairly straight forward section.

Once we reached our destination we had lunch. We returned via the same trail to point #2 however we returned by the road (which was closed to vehicles) due to slippery conditions.

Useful Resources